Name: A. K. D.
Role: Software Engineer
Status: Busy with work but can be persuaded
- Postgresql
- Mysql
- Redis
- Neo4j
- MongoDB
- Elasticsearch
- Cassandra
- InfluxDB
- Python
- Ruby
- Javascript
- Go
- Java
- Scala
- Lua
- C
- C++
- Rust
- Azure
- Flask
- Nodejs
- Go Chi
- Ruby on Rails
- Apache Spark
- Pandas
- Scikit
- LangChain
- Databricks
- Open Telemetry
- Prometheus
- ELK Stack
- Grafana
- Loki
- Tempo
- Fluentbit
- Dynatrace (Unfortunately)
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Terraform
- Github Actions
- Jenkins
- ArgoCD
- Keptn
- Keda